Best WebView Libraries for Kotlin Android Development

Best WebView Libraries for Kotlin Android Development

WebViews are a crucial component for displaying web pages within your app, and there are several libraries out there that can enhance the functionality of the default Android WebView. We look into some of the best WebView libraries available and see how they can make your life easier.

1. Android Jetpack's WebKit

Android Jetpack's WebKit is not a separate library but an essential part of the Android Jetpack suite, which provides backward-compatible versions of the WebView APIs. It's the standard way to display web content in your Android apps.

List of Features

  • Backward Compatibility: Access the latest WebView APIs on older Android versions.
  • Safe Browsing: Integrated with Google's Safe Browsing to protect users from phishing and malware.
  • JavaScript API: Allows interaction between your app and the WebView content.
  • Optimized Performance: Regular updates for performance improvements.


To use WebKit in your project, add the following dependency to your build.gradle file:.

dependencies {
    implementation "androidx.webkit:webkit:1.4.0"

Code Examples

Here's a simple way to set up a WebView using Kotlin:.

import androidx.webkit.WebViewClient

webView.webViewClient = object : WebViewClient() {
    override fun shouldOverrideUrlLoading(view: WebView, url: String): Boolean {
        return true


In this code, we're setting up a WebViewClient to handle URL loading within the WebView. When a new URL is loaded, it will be handled by the WebView itself.

How it Compares to Others

WebKit is the standard and is tightly integrated with the Android system, ensuring stability and security. However, it might lack some advanced features provided by third-party libraries.

2. Chrome Custom Tabs

Chrome Custom Tabs is a way to display web content in a customizable Chrome tab, rather than embedding a WebView directly in your app. It's designed to provide a fast, secure, and consistent user experience.

List of Features

  • Fast Browsing: Leverages the speed of the Chrome browser.
  • Customization: Customize the toolbar color, enter and exit animations, and more.
  • Shared Cookie Jar: Users are automatically signed in if they're signed into Chrome.
  • Action Button: Add custom actions to the Chrome toolbar.


Add the Custom Tabs dependency to your build.gradle file:.

dependencies {
    implementation "androidx.browser:browser:1.3.0"

Code Examples

Launching a URL in a Custom Tab is straightforward:.

import androidx.browser.customtabs.CustomTabsIntent

val builder = CustomTabsIntent.Builder()
val customTabsIntent =
customTabsIntent.launchUrl(this, Uri.parse(""))

This code creates a CustomTabsIntent and launches the specified URL in a customized Chrome tab.

How it Compares to Others

Custom Tabs is not a replacement for WebView but rather an alternative for certain use cases where you want to provide a browser-like experience without leaving your app.

3. GeckoView


GeckoView is Mozilla's implementation of a WebView for Android, based on the same engine that powers Firefox. It's designed for apps that need more web features or better standards support than the default WebView provides.

List of Features

  • Advanced Web Standards: Supports modern web standards that may not be available in the default WebView.
  • Privacy Features: Comes with privacy features like Tracking Protection.
  • Customization: Offers extensive customization options for rendering and behavior.
  • Multi-Process Architecture: More stable and secure browsing experience.


To use GeckoView, you'll need to add the repository and dependency to your build.gradle file:.

repositories {
    maven {
        url ""

dependencies {
    implementation "org.mozilla.geckoview:geckoview:83.0.20200706155759"

Code Examples

Here's how you can initialize and use GeckoView in your app:.

import org.mozilla.geckoview.GeckoView

val geckoView = findViewById<GeckoView>(
geckoView.setOnLoadingStateChangedListener { view, loading ->
    if (!loading) {
        // Page has finished loading


This code sets up a listener for loading state changes and loads a URL into GeckoView.

How it Compares to Others

GeckoView is more feature-rich and standards-compliant than the default WebView, but it's also larger in size and may be overkill for simple web content display.


Android Jetpack's WebKit is great for standard web content with the added benefit of backward compatibility. Chrome Custom Tabs offers a seamless browsing experience with minimal setup. GeckoView is perfect for apps that require advanced web features and standards support.