Best GraphQL Libraries for Android

Often we find ourselves tangled in the web of data fetching and management. GraphQL offers a more efficient, flexible, and powerful way to interact with our APIs. Let's examine the top GraphQL libraries for Kotlin Android development, shall we?

1. Apollo Android

Apollo Android is like the Swiss Army knife for GraphQL enthusiasts. It's a comprehensive client that generates Java and Kotlin models from your GraphQL schema, making type-safe network requests a breeze.

List of Features:.

  • Code Generation: Automatically generates models and request classes from your GraphQL schema.
  • Type Safety: Strong typing ensures you're using your data correctly.
  • Network Stack: Built-in support for OkHttp and Retrofit.
  • Reactive: Integrates seamlessly with RxJava and Coroutines.
  • Caching: Persisted queries and response caching to reduce network usage.


Add the Apollo Gradle plugin to your project's build script:.

buildscript {
  repositories {
    maven {
      url ""
  dependencies {
    classpath "com.apollographql.apollo:apollo-gradle-plugin:2.5.0"

apply plugin: 'com.apollographql.apollo'

Then, add the Apollo runtime to your app's build.gradle:.

dependencies {
  implementation 'com.apollographql.apollo:apollo-runtime:2.5.0'
  // If you're using Coroutines
  implementation 'com.apollographql.apollo:apollo-coroutines-support:2.5.0'

Code Examples:.

// Define your GraphQL query
val query = """
  query GetLaunches($limit: Int!) {
    launches(limit: $limit) {

// Execute the query using ApolloClient
apolloClient.query(GetLaunchesQuery(limit = 10)).toFlow().collect { data ->
  // Use the data
  data.launches?.forEach { launch ->
    Log.d("Launch", "ID: ${}, Mission: ${launch.missionName}")

In this example, we define a GetLaunchesQuery with a limit parameter and collect the results using Kotlin flows. Apollo Android handles the network request and parsing, providing us with strongly-typed data we can use directly.


Apollo Android stands out with its robust set of features and strong community support. It's a great choice for those who want a full-fledged solution with integrations for popular libraries like OkHttp, Retrofit, RxJava, and Coroutines.

Reference Link:.

2. GraphQL-Kotlin

GraphQL-Kotlin is a library that brings GraphQL to the Kotlin ecosystem with a focus on simplicity and idiomatic Kotlin code. It's designed to work seamlessly with Ktor and other Kotlin frameworks.

List of Features:.

  • Kotlin First: Designed with Kotlin idioms in mind.
  • Server and Client: Supports both creating GraphQL servers and clients.
  • Flexible: Works well with Ktor, Spring Boot, and other Kotlin frameworks.
  • Schema-First: Encourages a schema-first approach for consistency and reliability.


Add the following to your build.gradle.kts:.

dependencies {
  // For server functionality

Code Examples:.

// Define your GraphQL client
val client = GraphQLClient(
  url = "",
  headers = mapOf("Authorization" to "Bearer your-token")

// Execute a query
val response = client.execute(LaunchListQuery(limit = 10))

// Process the response { launch ->
  println("ID: ${}, Mission: ${launch.missionName}")

This snippet demonstrates how to create a GraphQLClient and execute a query. The response is parsed into Kotlin objects that you can work with immediately.

GraphQL-Kotlin is a fantastic choice for developers who are all-in on Kotlin and prefer a library that aligns closely with Kotlin's philosophy and syntax. It's particularly appealing if you're already using Ktor or other Kotlin-native frameworks.

Reference Link:.